Thursday, July 15, 2010

Artist Spotlight: Peter Mars

We are proud to carry the work of Peter Mars.

Born in Portland, Oregon in 1959, Peter Mars began collecting art at an early age: matchbooks, comic books, baseball cards, arrowheads, and coins. This love of design, imagery, and memorabilia has found it's way deep into his work. While at school in New Orleans, Mars was touched by an Alexander Calder print; moved by the broad, flat, sweeping strokes of color he knew he needed to learn that process.

Now Mars lives in Chicago where he has been a working artist for over 20 years. Combining avant-garde innovation with a deep Pop Art sensibility, Mars fuses and confuses the traditional distinctions between high culture and low art. The artist's sensibilities fall somewhere between Dada and Pop, "In that area where nonsense and pop culture so frequently meet." It is clear, Mars is as vibrant and fun as his artwork.

Bright Lights Big City
Acrylic on Canvas
48 x 36 inches

Power to Rock
Acrylic on Canvas
24 x 30 inches

The Cold, Crisp Taste of Art
Acrylic on Canvas
60 x 48 inches

Sky Climber
Acrylic on Canvas
30 x 40 inches

Invisible Powers
Acrylic on Canvas
30 x 40 inches

Acrylic on Canvas
48 x 36 inches

Mars at a Glance:
Born: 1959, Portland
Nationality: American
Style: Pop Art
Specialty: Silkscreen Americana
Website: here

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